real estate agent Transaxia Benevent L'abbaye

Real estate agent Transaxia Benevent L'abbaye is a by Franimo verified agent with real estate in the regions Creuse.

The real estate agent is checked for friendliness, competence, accessibility and international approach. .

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offers from Transaxia Benevent L'abbaye

3 properties

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house Bénévent-l'Abbaye


Bénévent-l'Abbaye Creuse house foto 6586330
59 500 € 5 -

Buying a House with a surface of 115 m2 in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. House with splendid garden or terrain of 136...

villa La Souterraine


La Souterraine Creuse villa foto 6586333
398 000 € 12 -

Villa for sale under reference 57CAL105559. Property in La Souterraine (Creuse) presented by real estate agent Transaxia Benevent L'abbaye....

terrain La Souterraine


La Souterraine Creuse terrain foto 6586329
69 300 € - -

For sale terrain in La Souterraine. Buy this terrain in the region Creuse. Property in La Souterraine (Creuse) presented...

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