real estate agent Immodiffusion

Real estate agent Immodiffusion is a by Franimo verified agent with real estate in the regions Hérault, Loir-et-Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Rhône, Aude, Moselle, Pas-de-Calais, Ardennes, Nord, Mayenne, Somme, Gironde, Haute-Savoie, Creuse, Vienne, Deux-Sèvres, Haute-Garonne, Ariège, Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot, Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Calvados, Aube, Corrèze, Vendée, Bas-Rhin, Manche, Gard, Loire, Paris (Seine), Drôme, Bouches-du-Rhône, Pyrénées-Orientales, Ain, Hauts-de-Seine, Vaucluse, Cher, Indre-et-Loire, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Côte-d'Or, Landes, Loiret, Lozère, Orne, Charente-Maritime, Jura, Gers, Côtes-d'Armor, Ardeche, Alpes-Maritimes, Lot-et-Garonne, Saône-et-Loire, Doubs, Corse-du-Sud, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Isère, Val-d'Oise, Yvelines, Seine-Saint-Denis, Savoie, Oise, Yonne, Sarthe, Haute-Corse, Val-de-Marne, Tarn, Haute-Vienne, Puy-de-Dôme, Seine-et-Marne, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Finistère, Vosges, Allier, Morbihan, Haute-Loire, Var, Indre, Aveyron, Charente, Marne, Essonne, Haute-Saône.

The real estate agent is checked for friendliness, competence, accessibility and international approach. .

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+33 (0)9 74 53 13 81 27
34000 Montpelier
00 33 9 74 53 13 81
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offers from Immodiffusion

34 properties

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house Aiguillon


Aiguillon Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6836375
108 000 € 6 -

Mandate Id-FNM159609 House approximately 163 m2 including 6 room(s) - 3 bed-rooms + Garden...

house Tonneins


Tonneins Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6830799
249 000 € 6 -

Mandate Id-FNM157447 House approximately 159 m2 including 6 room(s) - 5 bed-rooms. Built...

house Aiguillon


Aiguillon Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6830798
336 700 € 7 -

Mandate Id-FNM157157 House approximately 290 m2 including 7 room(s) - 5 bed-rooms + Site...

house Marmande


Marmande Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829237
138 400 € 4 -

Mandate Id-FNM152434 House approximately 75 m2 including 4 room(s) - 2 bed-rooms + Garden...

house Saint-Barthélémy-d'Agenais


Saint-Barthélémy-d'Agenais Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829236
152 000 € 4 -

Mandate Id-FNM155068 House approximately 80 m2 including 4 room(s) - 2 bed-rooms + Garden...

house Marmande


Marmande Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829235
274 300 € 8 -

Mandate Id-FNM155555 House approximately 216 m2 including 8 room(s) - 4 bed-rooms + Garden...

house Marmande


Marmande Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829233
798 000 € 5 -

Mandate Id-FNM153682 House approximately 186 m2 including 5 room(s) - 3 bed-rooms + Site...

house Casteljaloux


Casteljaloux Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829232
377 000 € 4 -

Mandate Id-FNM152180 House approximately 151 m2 including 4 room(s) - 3 bed-rooms + Site...

house Casteljaloux


Casteljaloux Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829231
469 000 € 8 -

Mandate Id-FNM155601 House approximately 254 m2 including 8 room(s) - 4 bed-rooms + Site...

house Marmande


Marmande Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829230
294 000 € 6 -

Mandate Id-FNM156964 House approximately 150 m2 including 6 room(s) - 4 bed-rooms + Garden...

house Marmande


Marmande Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829229
189 900 € 6 -

Mandate Id-FNM157486 House approximately 130 m2 including 6 room(s) - 2 bed-rooms + Garden...

Do you need property valuation?

property valuation

Inter-France carries out property valuations in France in accordance with European regulations.

house Marmande


Marmande Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829228
349 600 € 7 -

Mandate Id-FNM155070 House approximately 145 m2 including 7 room(s) - 4 bed-rooms + Garden...

house Marmande


Marmande Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829227
430 500 € 9 -

Mandate Id-FNM154847 Propriété approximately 260 m2 including 9 room(s) - 5 bed-rooms + Site...

house Casteljaloux


Casteljaloux Lot-et-Garonne house foto 6829226
346 000 € 8 -

Mandate Id-FNM158321 House approximately 212 m2 including 8 room(s) - 5 bed-rooms + Site...


French real estate agent with authentic properties in the heart of France (Allier, Cher, Creuse, Haute-Vienne, Indre, Indre et Loire, Loiret, Loir et Cher, Nievre, Puy-de-Dôme, Sarthe, Yonne et Vienne)