castle for sale Thiérache

Buy castles in Thiérache. Thiérache is located in France. Currently Franimo has 2 castles for sale in Thiérache. They can to be viewed over a total of 1 page. The average Franimo real estate price when buying castles in Thiérache is € 257.050.

your search criteria:

2 castles

page 1 of 1

castle Monthenault


Monthenault Aisne castle foto 6848449
950 000 € 22 -

In france with postcode 02860 for sale splendid property. In Aisne, castle with 22 rooms. For sale castle in...

castle Hirson


Hirson Aisne castle foto 6553613
948 000 € 16 -

Your network of Franco Belgian agencies on the France real estate side offers you this...

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